How do you start a new year off right? Brittany shares three steps for walking into a new year.
In 1 Samuel 24-25, David has opportunity to get back at Saul but he doesn’t. Why and what can we learn from that?
In 1 Kings 23, King Saul shows us that always wanting more actually ends up leaving us with less.
No one dared to go up against the mighty Philistine warrior Goliath, except the teenage boy David. Exploring the David and Goliath story, we uncover the one factor that defeats a Goliath.
Sin can make us feel hopeless but God wants to do a great work. In this article for Crosswalk, Brittany Rust shares 4 ways God shows up when we sin and what we should do.
In 1 Samuel 15, Saul disobeys God because he is afraid of what others think. It serves as a powerful warning for our own moments of insecurity and fear.
Worry likes to enter our lives every chance it gets. But Philippians 4 gives us a sort of roadmap out of worry and into joy.
A special Thanksgiving message about people in the Bible who showed gratitude, as well as Bible verse about Thanksgiving.
Chasing your happiness won't lead to joy and fulfillment; chasing holy will. In this Crosswalk article, Brittany Rust shares the 7 dangers of chasing happy over holy.
Have you ever wondered how to start a podcast? Brittany Rust shares what you need to know, the equipment that helps, and how to start your own podcasting journey.
John 1:17 says that grace and truth came through Jesus Christ—they live in balance with each other. Yet too often people want grace without truth or share truth without grace. Where do you fall and how can you, too, bring grace and truth?
Are you an Enneagram 8? For a woman, this personality can sometimes be a struggle to navigate. How, as a woman, do we grow into a healthy 8 and be fully confident in who God made us to be?
Are you tired and weary? The Bible shows us the key to rest in Matthew 11—surrender and humility.
Where do you even begin to write a publish a non-fiction book traditionally? In this article, I share what I learned on my own journey to signing a 2 book deal with a major Christian publisher and how you can start your own journey.
In Proverbs, it says that a life frittered away disgusts God. How do you flip the tables and live a life that makes the most of every day?
When life is tough, we don’t often feel like worshipping God. But praise in the storm is exactly what we’re called to do.
Have you heard the phrase “God will never give you more than you can handle” and wrestled with doubt when, indeed, you had too much to carry? Brittany talks about the source of this phrase and what the Bible really says about those really hard seasons.
We wonder how to love others but we only need to look at how Jesus loved the disciples just before the cross. True love serves others.
We still fight gender, race, and other biases in the church. And while many Christians believe they don’t have any, there are moments of discrimination at the micro-levels of your thoughts and behind-closed-door comments. Where do you stand?
Where do you even start with sermon prep? In this article, we walk through how to study the Bible passage, create an outline, and write the sermon.
Is masturbation a sin and how should we respond to it as Christian women?