Here I Am Small Group Study Kit
Whether you want to explore Here I Am with your friends, in your small group, or as a study in church, this kit has everything you need to dive into this powerful resource.
Kit includes a downloadable Leaders Guide, participants guide, and video for each lesson. This is a 6-week study and each video session lasts 30 minutes with question prompts for the group.
Once you purchase, the folder containing all the kit elements will be emailed to you for download.
My co leader and I led a group of about 15 women through the Here I Am study. At the beginning of the semester, multiple women shared how they struggled to discern the Lord’s voice in their everyday lives. By the time we finished out the semester, almost every woman could pinpoint some way that they had been able to grow closer to the Lord and better learn how to recognize the Lord’s calling on their lives.
For me personally, this has been one of the most influential studies for my faith. It taught me how to hear the quiet whisper of the Lord among so many other voices and it allowed me to learn through the examples of those who have come before me in Scripture.
I highly recommend this study for any individual who is overwhelmed by the voices of the world and is looking to deepen their faith and understanding of the Lord’s divine voice.
Anna B.