The Devil quoted the Bible out-of-context. Jesus quoted the Bible in-context. It matters.


TheosU is a non-woke subscription to masterclass-style courses that faithfully teach the Bible in-context, in approachable language, all while counting towards a degree. All for the cost of a Netflix subscription.

Courses are taught by PhD professors, local pastors, working missionaries, teachers, and traveling evangelists make up our dynamic faculty.

TheosU is Non-Denominational. Many denominations engrave their non-essential preferences in stone. We don't. We hold to the teachings that the historic Church has taught consistently for the past 2k years.


I have personally benefited from TheosU. Back in 2021, having been in ministry for 16 years but coming from a painful church experience where I didn’t learn a sin gle new thing about the Bible in 3 years, TheosU reignited my passion for theology. I could trust the resources and found the teachers refreshing..

Now, I work for TheosU! This is a resource I wish I would have had for the many years of ministry I was in, but thankful for it now and highly recommend to anyone wanting to take their Bible reading to the next level.

TheosU is a game changer for your theology and your faith!


Sign up for a monthly or annual subscription here.

Looking to take a step further and get a degree in Biblical Studies? Check out Theos Seminary, where you don’t have to go into debt to get your degree!