Wondered by the Word: Bible in 1-Year Reading Plan
2025 registration is now closed. You may still find the plan on Youversion, daily podcasts, and community on socials. All links below.
Why Read the Bible in 1 Year?
In today's Christian landscape, we see a flood of lies and flight from biblical literacy. Famous preachers and influencers raise the banner of Christianity only to point to a false Gospel—and most people don’t know the difference. Because they are not armed with Scripture, people are being led astray and choosing self and sin over God.
Reading the Bible can help you in all areas of life. It teaches principles that will never go out of style, helps you build good habits, shows you how to love others well, fosters spiritual growth, and more.
Here are 6 reasons we find in the Bible as to why we should read it regularly:
We are commanded to (Joshua 1:8)
It keeps us from sin (Psalm 119:11)
It’s how we hear from God (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
The Bible expands our knowledge (Nehemiah 8)
Grows our faith, bringing us closer to Jesus (Romans 10:17)
God’s Word gives us hope (Romans 15:4)
It’s time we really know God’s Word. Scripture is our best defensive tool against the enemy, yet many of us don’t know it well. We absolutely need Scripture to live a flourishing life!
Stop missing out on God's word and His best for your life!
(Just a Few) Personal Testimonies
“I’m right on track and absolutely loving it! I have NEVER in my 30 years of life actually stuck with a Bible reading plan, so I’m super thankful to be able to say that. I have learned SO much, and actually felt HUNGRY for more—this hasn’t happened since I first became a believer in my teens! ❤️ Grateful for this community!”
“Today, I completed the Wondered by the Word challenge! I finished reading the Bible in a year, and this reading plan is what made it possible! I look forward to doing it again.”
Reading through the Bible is Hard! Not Any More.
If you're like me, you've probably tried to read through the Bible before but found yourself overwhelmed by its size or intimidated by all those words on each page. That's why we created a daily reading plan called "Wondered by the Word" so that anyone who wants to read (or listen) through God's word in a year could have an easy way to do it! It breaks down every book of the Bible into daily readings, with space for personal reflection.
What’s Included
A community is growing, and we’d love for you to join us! It’s simple. This 2025 community includes:
1. A chronological year in the Bible reading plan through YouVersion. You can easily access the plan and read it in community. The plan is 6 days a week so once a week you can either catch up or dive a little deeper into something you read that week that ministered to you. This chronological plan has been created by Brittany Rust specifically for this community. It will include the daily readings in one convenient place.
2. A daily podcast that dives into the Scripture for that day. Listen each day to a short episode that will walk you through that day’s reading for better theology and stronger faith. Listen on Spotify and Apple.
3. A Facebook & Instagram community for support. Deep dives into our reading and answering tough questions will happen in real-time on social media. We’ll also use these platforms to encourage each other, post weekly readings, and share resources.
4. Bible Study Resources. In a short video, Brittany shares her Bible reading toolbox and everything you might want for your own times of devotion. There will also be a downloadable PDF on how to study the Bible with intentionality and practical tips on breaking down a reading. Additionally, Brittany will provide bible book summary videos to help you know and understand the different books of the Bible.
5. Share your journey on social media to inspire others using the hashtag #WonderedByTheWord. We believe that we can be accountable to each other by committing as a community. Because, let’s be honest, we’re much more likely to stick with something if we have a tribe cheering us on.
We hope you will join the community and pray that God speaks tenderly to your heart through His Word. He promises that His Word will not return void and we truly believe God will move in and through you when you seek Him.