The Key to Genuine Rest
The Danger of Exhaustion
The enemy loves exhaustion because it’s an opportunity to get a foothold into your life. When you’re tired, you’re just trying to stay afloat with all your responsibilities. There isn’t much left to prepare for the things you don’t see coming. Which is why when you feel weary, get into Matthew and find rest.
The key to genuine rest is found in Matthew 11:28-30,
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Jesus says come to all who are weary and burdened; it’s an invitation. When I picture weary and burdened, I picture someone carrying a giant boulder up a hill alone and breaking under the pressure. Is this you? Are you taking on too much; doing it on your own and in your own strength?
Key #1: Surrender
It’s time to surrender the burden, the to-do list, the expectation. That’s what it means to “take up my yoke.” To take is to surrender to Christ. In Biblical times, “under a yoke” meant to be a subject. 1 Timothy 6:1 says, “Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants.”
Dear friend, to submit is to obey the Gospel and yield to the Lord. By taking on His yoke you release the burden.
Key #2: Humility
Jesus then goes on to say, “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart.”
There’s a lot we can learn from Jesus but one of the most important, and the one he finds especially important, is humility. Look at what Jesus says; he says to learn from him in that he is lowly and humble in heart.
God hates pride; He talks about it often.
Proverbs 8:13, “I hate pride and arrogance.”
Proverbs 16:5, “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.”
Proverbs 26:12, “Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them.”
It’s pretty clear God is not a fan of pride. Additionally, Jesus modeled surrender and humility every day on this earth. He never moved or acted outside of the will of the Father, and that’s the same attitude we must carry with us every day. Submission and humility before the Father.
But let’s dive in a bit deeper. What exactly is humility? Because some people perceive it in a way that they diminish themselves. Yet, this isn’t humility at all. Here’s a great definition:
“Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself – it’s thinking of yourself less.” Rick Warren
In essence, stop thinking about yourself all the time. Practically speaking—because I’m someone that has struggled with pride over the years—whenever I notice “me” thoughts and language popping up, I turn those thoughts and words around to focus on God and other people. Give it a try!
Surrender and humility are the keys to rest. When you’re feeling tired it’s likely an indicator that you’re taking on too much, yes, but that you must surrender to God. Step into the submission and find rest.
Everything in His Word
Jesus continues, “For my yoke is easy.” The yoke Jesus is talking about here is His teaching; it will hold you together. When you stay in God’s Word, it will aid you in laying down yourself. And the incredible thing is, His teaching is easy. That word “easy” means well-fitting, just what you need.
Warren Wiersbe wrote, “He has just the yoke that is tailor-made for our lives and needs.”
God has in HIs word what you need! Think about that. Jesus has custom made an ease just for you. Tailor-made for your weariness and exhaustion. It’s easy and it’s gracious.
God’s Word fits you!
Let me ask you today: what do you need to surrender to Him today to find rest?