In week 3 of this series on Advent, we learn Jesus is preparing a place for us before His return.
In week 2 of this series on Advent, we take a look at the birth of Christ.
What is advent? And as a Christian, should I celebrate? Is this 4 week series on Advent, I share the importance and value of celebrating Advent during the holiday season.
We want to do our own thing and oftentimes it rebels against God. Even if we don’t see it that way, deep down, our flesh fights to trump God. But obedience is a beautiful thing and I share what God taught me about it through parenting.
We’ve often ignored or flat out got wrong conversations about sex in the Church. In this article for Crosswalk, Brittany Rust shares 7 things pastors should be communicating to their churches about sex.
Conflict with a friend, co-worker, or fellow church attended is rarely handled well. Gossip and talking about the issues with everyone but the other party is often the go-to for people upset. But what does the Bible say about conflict resolution?
There’s a movement gaining steam in the Church that wants to designate all sexual activity permissible as long as no one gets hurt. But there’s a danger here and in this post, Brittany shares what that is.
How do you trust someone again after they’ve hurt you? Brittany shares what the Bible says and how you can find restoration in this Crosswalk article.
Church discipline—for some it stirs up emotions like fear, anger or resentment. For me, they remind me of a beautiful fire I went through. Yes, church correction/discipline is biblical but there is an order to it. And yes, there’s a proper way to confront it in a friend’s life as well. Learn what the Bible says about both in this post from Brittany Rust.
When the storms in our life come, we often want to turn around and run the other way. We’ll do whatever it takes to avoid the pain and trials. However, in order to find emotional healing, we must learn to face that pain and walk through the storm.
As a ministry leader, how do you navigate the heartache of miscarriage with families in your church? In this Focus on the Family article, Brittany Rust shares insight on how to do this well.
In this Crosswalk article, I share 8 biblical truths to remember when marriage gets hard.
We wonder how to love others but we only need to look at how Jesus loved the disciples just before the cross. True love serves others.
We still fight gender, race, and other biases in the church. And while many Christians believe they don’t have any, there are moments of discrimination at the micro-levels of your thoughts and behind-closed-door comments. Where do you stand?
Is masturbation a sin and how should we respond to it as Christian women?
Sexuality has been blurred but what does the Bible say about lust, sex, pornography, masturbation, and more?
Standing in the gap is an intercessory prayer that bridges the gap between God and a person of prayer.
In this final installment of the Advent series, we close with the anticipation of Christ’s return one day!