How to Write a Book

A masterclass for the budding author


As someone who has self-published one book and traditionally published five (three of those books being with some of the largest publishers in the world), it’s the question I receive regularly. I get it—it’s a hard process and certainly mysterious to those starting out.

So, let me share with you everything I wish I had known starting out as a hungry author!

This is for:

  • the person who has self-published but looking to segway into traditional publishing.

  • the person starting out with no idea where to begin.

  • the person sort of interested down the road and a little curious.

  • and the person who might have an agent but wondering about the publishing process.

I have had some success but also much heartache along the way and I want to give you the start I never had!

If you have a dream to publish this masterclass is for you!

For just $10 you get access to a video and guide that highlight the three different ways of publishing with details on how to approach each. You’ll rarely find someone who has published all three ways AND giving away that insight at such a low cost. Don’t miss this!