Fear and the Reality of Good Intentions
Saul had good intentions but it cost him everything. Are good intentions good enough? We learn the answer to this question in 1 Samuel 13.
Simple Yet Profound
What does God mean in Matthew 6:33 where He says, “seek first.” Brittany Rust breaks down this verse and what you need to know.
Romans 4 - Part 5
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God. In the final part of this series, we look at the kind of faith God is looking for.
Romans 4 - Part 4
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God. In part four of this series, we take a look at how a works-based mentality gets in the way of relationship.
Romans 4 - Part 3
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God. In the part three of this series, we take a look at the role of works.
Romans 4 - Part 2
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God. In the second part of this series, Brittany shares the balance of work.
Romans 4 - Part 1
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God.
Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 4)
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story of redemption. In this series, Brittany takes a look at Ruth in the Bible and what you can learn to help you in your own walk with God.
Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 3)
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story of redemption. In this series, Brittany takes a look at Ruth in the Bible and what you can learn to help you in your own walk with God.
Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 2)
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story of redemption. In this series, Brittany takes a look at Ruth in the Bible and what you can learn to help you in your own walk with God.
Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 1.6-22)
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story of redemption. In this series, Brittany takes a look at Ruth in the Bible and what you can learn to help you in your own walk with God.
Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 1.1-5)
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story of redemption. In this series, Brittany takes a look at Ruth in the Bible and what you can learn to help you in your own walk with God.
In the Storm
How do you not only survive but thrive in the storms of life? We find great insight in Matthew 7:24-27.
Making It Count
In Proverbs, it says that a life frittered away disgusts God. How do you flip the tables and live a life that makes the most of every day?
I Am the Vine
What does John 15 mean? We are called to abide in the Vine. Jesus, and the Father will pull ut anything in you that doesn’t belong.
A Real Kind of Love
We wonder how to love others but we only need to look at how Jesus loved the disciples just before the cross. True love serves others.