Ruth - A Story of Redemption (Ruth 4)

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Kinsman Redeemer

Here we are, the end of our look at Ruth. Perhaps it’s this final look that is the most important in our study. A few posts prior I mentioned that throughout the book there is a comparison of Boaz to Jesus Christ as a redeemer,  which is highlighted most closely in this chapter as Boaz redeems Ruth. 

Chapter four opens up to Boaz at the gate, which would have been the center of the town. He was there because if you remember from Ruth 3, Boaz wanted to marry Ruth. He was looking for the appropriate kinsmen redeemer of Ruth, which he does find. 

The nearest living relative to Ruth and Naomi was a man we do not know, however we learn quite a bit about his character just by this short passage. We know this man was obligated to take care of the two women, but not once did he step in to offer them any help since they had returned to Bethlehem. Beyond that, when Boaz asked the man if he would like to redeem Ruth, he declined to do so.

This was a man who lacked integrity and character, especially in comparison to Boaz. Boaz was a man who treated Ruth with kindness when she was a stranger in a new land. He took care of her and Naomi. He treated her with respect at the threshing floor. Even now, when he wanted to marry Ruth, he didn't try to deceitfully do so but took the appropriate actions to redeem her. What a man!

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An Extension of Grace

Boaz made a legal transaction with the relative to have the redeeming rights to Ruth so that he could marry her. He had no legal obligation to do anything for Ruth, however, he had done nothing but care for her throughout the book. Boaz extended grace to the woman just as Jesus extends grace to us. Let me be clear so as to paint the picture vividly for you; Jesus has no obligation to do anything for us. He didn't have to give up Heaven and come to Earth to die for us. But he did. He gave up the glory of Heaven and humbled himself to death on a cross so that we might live.

God's grace is sufficient for us. And any of us who have experienced the grace of God should be constant in our thanksgiving and worship. We have been redeemed by Jesus Christ, foreigners who deserved nothing but have been given the rights of a son. Now as Jesus redeems his bride (the Church), Boaz redeemed his bride (Ruth). He married her and she conceived.

Their Legacy

Interestingly, Ruth had not conceived in her previous marriage, which lasted ten years. We assume she had been barren during this time, however God opened her womb at this time in order to give birth. She did so to a little boy named Obed, who became the grandfather of the great King David. 

I want to paint one more picture of God's grace and sovereignty through the birth of this child. Ruth was a Moabite, a foreigner who had no rights. However, through grace and redemption, she became part of the genealogy of Christ. How incredible of a story! 

It wasn't an easy life for Ruth. She grew up in a wicked nation. She suffered the loss of her husband. She followed Naomi to a foreign land. She was poor and needy. All very difficult circumstances to say the least. However, as I pointed out at the beginning of this series, we see God’s fingerprints all over Ruth's story and there is no doubt He was at work the entire time. It was a long and difficult journey, but it ended with redemption. Ruth started out empty, but she ended full!

Friend, be encouraged. No matter what your season may be, however difficult the situation you are facing, remember that God is at work in your life. He is weaving a beautiful tapestry—it's not finished, but it is in progress. Know that God is gracious and good and that He loves you. If you find yourself discouraged on this journey, take another look at the life of Ruth and remember that God works for the good of His people.


Romans 4 - Part 1


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