Simple Yet Profound
But Seek First
Many have a life verse, am I correct? I'll happily share mine with you: Matthew 6.33,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
For years I have recited this verse in my mind, reminding myself to keep the first things first. However, in one of those "aha" moments, it has recently given new meaning to my life. God has peeled back another layer of his incredible Word, revealing a new depth and richness not previously known.
A few weeks ago I was posed with the question, "What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?" At first, the answer was quite obvious to me. But the answer was also quite generic and broad. If I were to ask you this question, I'm sure we could gather some generalities. But let's be more specific, shall we.
As I began pondering this question, I was reading Proverbs 3 and came across another familiar verse. Verse 5-6,
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
This verse has become a bit generic for me as well in its familiarity. However, when linked with Matthew 6, the two brought great revelation to my life. I really enjoy when different passages connect to make the Word come alive in a new way, don't you?!
And He Will Take Care of You
What I began to realize is that Matthew 6.33 can look different to us depending on our season of life. The core message doesn't change, but how it plays out in our lives may. When I asked myself what it meant to seek first the kingdom of God, I found the answer in Proverbs 3.5-6.
To seek God first meant to:
Trust the Lord with all my heart.
Not lean on my own understanding (harder than it seems for this "doer").
Acknowledge Him in all my ways.
As I start each day, I ask myself this same question and in this season, my answer is in Proverbs 3. What it means to seek the kingdom of God first is to apply Proverbs 3.
I encourage you today to ask God: what does it mean to seek first your kingdom?
Ask and expect God to give you wisdom and vision for your life. Whatever that verse may be, hold onto it. Play it in your mind throughout the day. Pray it. Speak it. Be encouraged that as you seek God first, He will take care of everything else!