What Does the Bible Say About Conflict Resolution?
Conflict with a friend, co-worker, or fellow church attended is rarely handled well. Gossip and talking about the issues with everyone but the other party is often the go-to for people upset. But what does the Bible say about conflict resolution?
New Crosswalk Article // How to Trust Again After You've Been Burned
How do you trust someone again after they’ve hurt you? Brittany shares what the Bible says and how you can find restoration in this Crosswalk article.
Exploring the Bible // Song of Solomon
Gain a firmer understanding in this look at the book of Song of Solomon and download a summary for your own use.
The Bible on Church Discipline and Confronting Sin
Church discipline—for some it stirs up emotions like fear, anger or resentment. For me, they remind me of a beautiful fire I went through. Yes, church correction/discipline is biblical but there is an order to it. And yes, there’s a proper way to confront it in a friend’s life as well. Learn what the Bible says about both in this post from Brittany Rust.
Why Christians Might Have a Hard Time Loving Those Unlike Them
This is a heart check for Christians—how well are you loving those unlike you. Those on the fringe of society, who you don’t agree with, or who you might be intimidated to talk to?