See a Victory
Breaking the Cycle
So often we learn to live with—and oftentimes barely—our strongholds. But Jesus has more for us than the wrestle.
The other day I went to God in tears; drained and feeling defeated. I’ve struggled with a tendency to default to anger. Maybe it’s how I grew up or because I’m an Enneagram 8? Probably both.
I was frustrated because I’ve cried out to God for years for help. I’ve read the books and studied anger verses. I’ve done all the things you’re told to do. And yet, I still feel it roaring it’s ugly head.
I was mad at God. I’ve done my part; why won’t He do His part. The part only He can do. Why won’t He set me free? Because I know He can!
And as I heard See a Victory play in the background, God spoke gently to my hurting heart:
Declare in faith today that victory is coming.
I’ve prayed a whole lot over the years but I’ve never declared victory before I saw the deliverance. But by declaring victory before deliverance I’m exercising faith. Furthermore, He has given me victory before and I believe He will do it again!
3 Steps Towards Victory
1. Believe that God is able.
If you don’t believe that everything is subject to Him and that He can win the battle over every stronghold in your life—no matter how impossible it may seem—then you’ll never experience victory.
Victory starts with faith. It’s not just hoping for it, as I did for so long, but believing it will happen. Exercise your faith muscle! To grow your faith you must actively put it into practice.
Verses on Victory to Stir Your Faith
“For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”
The Bible declares that victory is possible and you must believe it to be true for your own life.
I love the song See A Victory and there’s that line I love to proclaim—every war He wages He will win. Know that and believe that for your own life!
2. Believe that God is working behind the scenes even when you don’t see it.
In 2 Kings 6:15-17 Syria was coming against Israel. Elisha the prophet was camping with his servant and when they woke up in the morning, they saw the great Syrian army coming towards them. The servant was terrified but Elisha wasn’t and when asked why, Elisha prayed for the servant’s eyes to be opened. When they were, the servant saw the Lord’s army surrounded their enemy. Eventually, the Lord had their enemy turn on themselves and victory belonged to Israel without lifting a sword.
God is working where you can’t see. Remember, we wage war in a spiritual battle and so oftentimes God is working on your behalf in a way you are not able to see.
When you don’t see progress, he is actually plowing a way for victory!
3. Believe in faith that victory is coming.
Ultimately, I believe that God wants our praise and thanksgiving in the storm—BEFORE the victory. Before we see it we are already praising our God who provides and takes care of us. That’s authentic faith! Don’t wait to declare victory, do it now.
David exemplified this in 1 Samuel 17:37 when he responded to the doubt others had of victory.
“And David said, ‘The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.’ And Saul said to David, ‘Go, and the Lord be with you!’”
David declared in faith that victory was coming before it happened! If you are desiring victory of your anger, lust, pride, debt, unforgiveness, etc., then come before the throne and boldly cry out the King who already has your victory in His hand, ready to provide!