Crosswalk Article // Why Do We Pray if God Ultimately Decides the Outcome?
Why do some prayers seem to go unanswered? Why do we pray if God ultimately has decided anyway? Brittany Rust shares with Crosswalk why we should be praying, even with these questions in mind.
Crosswalk Article // 4 Ways God Shows Up When We Sin – And What We Should Do
Sin can make us feel hopeless but God wants to do a great work. In this article for Crosswalk, Brittany Rust shares 4 ways God shows up when we sin and what we should do.
Crosswalk Article // Who Was Lamech in the Bible?
It’s not uncommon to see multiple people share the same name in the Bible. But we run into the question, who is who? How do we tell them apart? One of those names, and one that is maybe not as well-known, is Lamech.
Crosswalk Article // 7 Dangers of Chasing Happy over Holy
Chasing your happiness won't lead to joy and fulfillment; chasing holy will. In this Crosswalk article, Brittany Rust shares the 7 dangers of chasing happy over holy.
Crosswalk Article // The Upside of COVID-19 Wrecking Your Plans
COVID-19 has wrecked a lot of our plans this year, however, it isn’t all bad. In this article for Crosswalk, Brittany Rust shares the upside of the pandemic wrecking out plans.
Crosswalk Article // 7 Things Congregations Need to Hear from Pastors about Healthy Sexuality
We’ve often ignored or flat out got wrong conversations about sex in the Church. In this article for Crosswalk, Brittany Rust shares 7 things pastors should be communicating to their churches about sex.
Crosswalk Article // Is the Bible Against Women Leading in Church?
What does the Bible really say about women in ministry and church leadership? Brittany Rust answers this question in her latest Crosswalk article.
New Crosswalk Article // How to Trust Again After You've Been Burned
How do you trust someone again after they’ve hurt you? Brittany shares what the Bible says and how you can find restoration in this Crosswalk article.
New Crosswalk Article // How Does the Bible Define Sexual Immorality?
What does the Bible say about sexual immorality? Find out in this article I wrote for Crosswalk.