Breaking Down the Basics: Prayer
In this foundational series, Brittany takes us back to some of the basics of Christianity, and today, she writes about prayer. What is prayer and why is it important?
Which Character Are You: Saul or Jonathan?
Saul and Jonathan were a father and son duo who lived very different lives. In this post, we’ll look at their similarities and differences in 1 Samuel 14, and examine our own characters in the process.
3 Truths to Renew Your Commitment to God
In Samuel’s retirement speech to Israel, we are given three important truths to renew our commitment to God
How To Transform Your Life Through Christ-Likeness
How do you transform your life to look more in line with Christ? Paul shares in Philippians 3 three ways we can pursue being more like Christ in our everyday life.
Romans 4 - Part 1
Romans 4 in the Bible is one of the most enlightening verses in the New Testament on faith, particularly its role in the age-old battle of faith vs. works. Pulling from the life of Abraham, we draw beautiful lessons on trusting God.
I Am the Vine
What does John 15 mean? We are called to abide in the Vine. Jesus, and the Father will pull ut anything in you that doesn’t belong.
Crosswalk Article // What it Really Means to Follow Jesus
In this Crosswalk article, I share what it looks like to really follow Jesus today.
A Real Kind of Love
We wonder how to love others but we only need to look at how Jesus loved the disciples just before the cross. True love serves others.
Never Giving Up
It hard to persevere when things are rough—we often want to throw in the towel. But through perseverance, we find incredible blessing on the other side of a challenge.
Don't Settle as a Closet Christian
Learn how to step out of your shell and love others well. It’s time to get outside the four walls of the church!
What I Learned Planning a Wedding (special video from our honeymoon)
Sharing what I learned planning my wedding that inspired my faith walk.
Prayer Determines Your Course
What I learned reading Mark Batterson’s ‘The Circle Maker’ about my prayer life.