Learn What Not To Do, Before It's Too Late
Are you dealing with the hidden sin or struggles in your life?
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement
In 1 Samuel 24-25, David has opportunity to get back at Saul but he doesn’t. Why and what can we learn from that?
Always Wanting More But Ending Up With Less
In 1 Kings 23, King Saul shows us that always wanting more actually ends up leaving us with less.
Do You Want the Favor of God?
We all want the favor of God. But why is it we see it with some more than others? We get some insight into this question by contrasting the lives of Saul and David.
The One Thing That Overcomes A Goliath
No one dared to go up against the mighty Philistine warrior Goliath, except the teenage boy David. Exploring the David and Goliath story, we uncover the one factor that defeats a Goliath.
What If I'm Not Where I Thought I Should Be?
Not where you want to be, or thought you would be at this stage in life? Take heart that God can use you no matter where you are! As we look at young David, a teenage boy found in the fields and made king, we can be strengthened to know God is working.
A Deadly Trap and How To Avoid It
In 1 Samuel 15, Saul disobeys God because he is afraid of what others think. It serves as a powerful warning for our own moments of insecurity and fear.
Which Character Are You: Saul or Jonathan?
Saul and Jonathan were a father and son duo who lived very different lives. In this post, we’ll look at their similarities and differences in 1 Samuel 14, and examine our own characters in the process.
Fear and the Reality of Good Intentions
Saul had good intentions but it cost him everything. Are good intentions good enough? We learn the answer to this question in 1 Samuel 13.
3 Truths to Renew Your Commitment to God
In Samuel’s retirement speech to Israel, we are given three important truths to renew our commitment to God
Greatness Out Of Long Suffering
Hannah prayed for a child for years and finally, her prayer was answered. We all have prayers that go unanswered and we want to give up. But we must persevere in longsuffering to see God’s provision.
From Donkeys to King: The Beginnings of Saul
What can we learn from the life and advancement of Saul, the first king of Israel?
Exploring the Bible : 1 Samuel
Gain a better understanding of the book of 1 Samuel in this summary.