Exploring the Bible // Obadiah
The book of Obadiah is only 21 verses long—the shortest book in the Old Testament. It’s written to foretell the coming destruction of Edom at the hands of Babylon. The author is Obadiah the prophet, however there are multiple Obadiah’s mentioned in the Bible so we’re not sure which one it is. It’s also hard to date it but best guess is in the 840’s B.C.
Edom is a nation that descended from Esau, Jacob’s brother. It was a people who still held bitterness towards God’s people and they often treated Israelites poorly. They were considered to be a wicked nation as a whole and the book of Obadiah prophesies the wrath coming their way as a result of their sins.
Within the book, God declares their pride and how they were violent against Israel. We read in verse 15,
“As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.”
Obadiah foretells that the kingdom of Edom will be destroyed completely. And indeed, it is. A hundred years later they are destroyed by Babylon and never recover.
What We Can Learn
Pride, rebellion, and ill-treatment of others are not acceptable to God. For those who refuse to repent, judgment is inevitable.
Memory Verse
“The pride of your heart has deceived you.” Obadiah 2